Norwegian Cruise Line

OMS Photo Logo
Beach and ocean waves - Lifestyle Photography

There’s no photo magic here, it just looks like it

OMS believes in taking on a visual challenge and rising to the occasion. A great photo gets us 90% of the way to the desired product. Digital retouching pushes us to 100%. There is an undeniable “wow” factor here, but our joy comes from sharing the process with others.

Where an in-house team makes the difference
  • Full collaboration with photographers and clients
  • Photographers can shoot with next steps in mind
  • Revisit finished images anytime to fit your next campaign
Man wearing gear climbing into a canyon before retouching Man wearing gear climbing into a canyon after retouching
Skin beauty retouching before Skin beauty retouching after
lifestyle photography - before retouching lifestyle photography - after retouching
lifestyle photography - before retouching lifestyle photography - after retouching

Our Team

Scott Burchett
Senior Retoucher & Partner

Charles Cronley
Digital Retoucher & Artist

Lisa Cape
Digital Retoucher & Artist

Will Reblando
Digital Retoucher & Artist

Anna Jones
Digital Production Manager

Nancy Armstrong

Meet The Creatives of OMS

Download a free copy of our beautiful zine introducing all of our photographers, directors, retouchers, and admin team.